Storage has become ‘cool’ in the last few years, and we’re seeing more and more clever, innovative storage solutions introduced that help us to stay organised at home. However, there are a few items that are still proving a little tricky to store. Here’s how to store all those really awkward things:


1. Christmas Wrapping Paper

If you like to be organised and wrap your presents as you buy them throughout the year, you need somewhere safe, out of the way, and yet easily accessible to store wrapping paper.
The good news is that wrapping paper has the advantage that it’s very streamlined and not particularly bulky, which means this is a great opportunity to make use of all that ‘dead’ space around your home – especially on the backs of cupboard doors. Attach a plastic or metal basket towards the base of the door to place the tubes in, then loosely secure them with a piece of string around the tops to stop them falling over. It’s so simple, yet so effective, too.

2. Bikes

Cycling is a great way to have fun and stay fit and healthy, but if it’s a hassle to get the bike on the road, you’re more likely to come up with excuses and reasons not to get out. Accessibility is key. The problem with storing bikes is that they take up valuable floor space, so the answer is simple – store them on the wall! A couple of simple hooks – one above the other – that hook around the frame is a fantastic way to get two bikes out of the way at home. There are even specialist types of furniture you can buy these days that transform your bike into a work of art – there are wooden shelves, for example, with a slot for fitting the frame into. Crazy, but true!

3. Old Electronics

Even if we no longer have a use for them, getting rid of old electronics is difficult to do – as evidenced by the number of VCRs in lofts all across the country! If you’re not ready to part with an electrical item, don’t – but do make sure you store it properly. This is one of the many times when storage units are highly recommended. If you’re not planning on using the item for the foreseeable future, there’s no point keeping it at home, it’s just taking up space. For items such as old hard drives, storage units can even be safer. With more space available, we’re less likely to store them precariously on the end of shelf where they could fall.

4. Suitcases & Bags

If you’ve ever seen the ways your bags are thrown around at airports, you’ll know how important it is to keep your suitcases in good condition throughout the year. Storing suitcases in areas prone to damp – lofts or garages, for example – isn’t recommended, as it could affect the structure of the case. This limits your suitcase storage options, but don’t panic. Suitcases are typically quite flat and uniform in shape, which means stacking or sliding underneath the bed is entirely possible, And don’t forget to make use of the inside of the suitcase too – they can be used to store smaller travel bags, toiletry bags, and travel adapters when not in use!

5. Clothing

Whether it’s clothes that don’t quite fit, clothes that are out-of-season, or baby clothes that we’re hanging onto for sentimental reasons, most of us have bags and bags of bulky clothing lying around taking up space. There’s no need to get rid of these clothes if you’re becoming overrun – you just need some vacuum bags. Vacuum bags are ideal for clothes – they draw out the air in the bag, leaving you with small, stackable bundles that are compact and discrete. A word of warning when using vacuum bags – when full they’re much heavier than they look! Try not to overfill your bags with clothes if you plan on moving them around frequently.

The next time you’re faced with an item that’s particularly big, bulky, or irregular, don’t panic! Remember – there’s a simple way to store practically anything. It’s all about thinking outside of the box and getting creative with your in-home storage solutions… and knowing when to send things off to professional storage companies who can keep your possessions safe and secure on your behalf.