shed storage secrets

Never have to search for anything in your shed again with these awesome shed storage secrets!

There is always a lot of focus placed on organising the main living areas of the house, such as the kitchen and bedrooms, but rarely does the trusty shed get the same treatment.

For many families, the shed acts as nothing more than a neglected dumping ground for tools and equipment.

The truth is, a well-organised shed can save you a lot of time and energy. If you get it right, never again will you have to spend hours searching for that one tool you need to finish a simple job.

Let’s take a look at a few ideas that can turn any shed, big or small, into a well-organised room where everything has its place.

1. Keep your tools handy

Whether you are a contractor or just love DIY, rather than leaving them to sit at the bottom of your rusty tool box, why not install some sturdy tool hangers on the inside of your shed, to store your most frequently used carpentry and garden tools. For a nice added touch, and to make sure everything goes back in its rightful place, you could outline each tool on the wall using a permanent marker.

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Image from BHG

2. Wind the garden hose up

The garden hose is often an awkward piece of equipment to store. It often gets tangled and spreads itself across the floor. To save space and avoid unnecessary falls, why not wind it around an old bucket or tin, attached to the wall?

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Image from Martha Stewart

3. Let your bike levitate

If you’re someone who likes to go out for a spin on the bike, but is short on floor space; why not look to the roof? Bike lifts offer a safe and affordable way to store your bike, without taking up any unnecessary room.

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Image from A Place For Everything

4. Get creative with pegboard walls

Pegboards are versatile and easy to install. They can be used to hang a variety of different tools and even small shelving units.

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Image from Jen Thousand Words

5. Install some open metal shelving

Adding shelving along the main walls of your shed can be a great way to utilise. Open metal shelves allow you to see exactly what it is you’re looking for. You can even opt for adjustable units if you want some flexibility.

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Image from BHG

6. Make use of bins

There’s not much use in putting up neat looking shelving if you’re just going to fill it up with clutter. Make the most of the shelves by adding plastic boxes or baskets, to store your tools and trinkets. Of course, label them and arrange to your pleasing.

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Image from Cheap Sheds



strangest things storage units

5 of the Strangest Things Ever Found in Storage Units

From clown heads and racy photos to liquor bottles and newspaper clippings, people come across all sorts of items in storage facilities. We’ve all seen TV shows where competitive bidders fight it out to buy a storage unit with the hopes of finding some hidden treasures stored within – but what are some of the truly weirdest and most wonderful storage unit finds?

If you have been curious to know about the weirdest things that have ever been uncovered in such units, our latest article here at Beyond Storage runs through the top five.

Nicholas Cage’s $2 Million Dollar Comic Book

Nicholas Cage has been known to be an ardent comic book collection – in fact, large amounts of his Hollywood wealth have been spent on accruing a truly monstrous collection. Even so, it came as a great surprise when an unnamed man stumbled upon a comic book that was once stolen from Nicholas Cage ten years before. The book, which was worth over $2 million was returned to the actor.

Space Equipment

A winning bidder in Florida found a countdown clock and a NASA rocket in a storage container he bought through the Auction Hunters on Spike. The items were kept there following the discontinuation of the programme in which they were used – a truly out of this world find!

Burt Reynolds’ Memorabilia

Burt Reynolds loved to keep all sort of collectables in his personal storage unit, but when the point came when he was unable to pay for the container, it was put up for auction. The unit had lots of interesting items including a horse carriage, a canoe from the 1972 ‘Deliverance’ film, a Smokey and the Bandit toy car, and a 1955 letter from his doctor. The memorabilia found was put in a museum to offer fans of Burt’s work a chance to view them.

Lotus Submarine Car from James Bond

The Lotus Submarine vehicle that was used by Roger Moore in a James Bond Movie is another precious yet strange item that was discovered in a storage container by a man in Long Island. The car was auctioned off in 2013 alongside other classic racing cars.

Grandma’s Body

When a coffin descends into the ground, it signifies finality; everything is over. However, some people come up with rather odd ways to ensure that their loved ones stay with them forever, with one of the strangest cases being that of a family that kept the body of their grandmother for 17 years – in their storage unit While the storage of urns of body remains is not unheard off, storing a whole body in a casket is an entirely different matter.

Even though keeping some of the above-mentioned items in a container is bizarre, it only goes to show that such facilities can be used for all sorts of storage purposes. At Beyond Storage, we provide units that can suit any storage requirements – although we really draw the line at passed-on relatives.

Whether it’s for commercial or domestic use, you can guarantee that we have the perfect storage solution to meet your needs. Contact us today to get more information on our services.