Hygge is not ignoring problems in life but being happy despite them. Wouldn’t it be better to have the perfect Hygge manifesto? It’s easy to concentrate on the negatives in life and complain about everything which is what a lot of people tend to do during the winter months, especially after Christmas is over, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Hygge way of life is more than just sitting around a fireplace, with a blanket and a good book. Sure that sounds great, but it’s more about your mindset and attitude towards life more than anything. It’s about enjoying the simple things in life and being present in the moment. When you’re talking with a friend it means actually engaging in the conversation instead of letting your mind wander off about any problems or stresses you might be currently experiencing, or putting your phone down and actually enjoying the moment which can be difficult in our world which is dominated by technology.

Winter is the perfect time of the year to try out a more ‘Hygge’ lifestyle, as it gets colder and darker outside people will start feeling more rundown and miserable unless you use the weather outside to your advantage and use those long nights to have cosy nights in with your family and friends.

There are plenty of things you can do to keep the Hygge manifesto in your home all year round.

Tips on how to make your home more Hygge:

  • Acquire Candles

You will not only save on electricity, but there’s also nothing better than snuggling on the sofa by the warm glow of a candlelight while watching your favourite film. With so many candle scents on the market, it’s really easy to find the perfect one for you.

  • Add soft furnishings to your interior

Pillows, blankets, rugs you name it! All of them will help to create a warm and cosy atmosphere in your home, and when put together with candles it will make the perfect setting for a cosy night in.

  • Loungewear is the key

Just think of getting home from work into your slippers and dressing gown, warm and cosy. Hygge is all about comfort.

  • Hygge with friends

Togetherness is what makes Hygge, and a big part of it is spending time with others and doing things you enjoy together. Invite your friends and family over and cook a meal together, as Hygge is all about finding happiness in the simple things in life.

  • Don’t Rush

Not so much a home tip, but nevertheless a very important one. Most people lead really busy lifestyles which don’t leave much room for relaxing or having a moment to yourself. The true concept of Hygge is slowing down and taking it all in, as there’s always going to be things to do, a project to finish or a deadline ahead, that’s why it’s so important to just slow down and sit down for a cup of coffee or go and have a bath.

What can you do to be more Hygge?

Remember Hygge isn’t just for winter, it’s a concept that can be used all year round. It’s about taking everyday life and making it into a special occasion, and about enjoying the simple things in life. In the summer it can be sitting in the sun with a cold drink and magazine, or simply going for a walk in the sunshine.

The Perfect Hygge Manifesto