Folded bedsheet. Perfectly folded bedsheets. Bedsheet.

The Failsafe 7 Step Guide to a Perfectly Folded Fitted Bedsheet

If there is one thing that can be considered a genuine rite of passage for university students is the first time they have to do the washing, drying and putting their clothes away, including the bedsheet. But once it has fully dried, they face the daunting prospect of actually folding it so it a) fits in a drawer neatly and b) doesn’t end up looking like a dishcloth. Sound familiar? It’s a challenge faced by students, families, young and old alike. Fortunately, Beyond Storage have produced a step-by-step guide to ensure your bedsheets can be folded perfectly every single time.

The Seven Steps to a Perfectly folded Bedsheet

Step One: Grab the two shorter ends of the bedsheet and fold them together in half. Be careful not to let the material slip too much and try and have your hands exactly parallel and opposite one another, to bring the two points together.

Step Two: Once you’ve successfully got the bedsheet in half, keep a hold of the far corner and turn the sheet so you can grab the opposite corner. Bring the short end up so you have a long ‘carpet-like’ sheet.

Step Three: Take the bottom-left then fold it over horizontally to the far-right corner, folding the sheet in half once again. You should now be holding the top right and left corners of the longest side.

Step Four: Shake your sheet slightly, then fold the top right and top left corners in together. Flip the sheet so your right hand is holding the top right corner, and left hand is holding the top left corner of the shorter side of the folded sheet.

Step Five: Flip the sheet over in your hands so you are now holding the top left and top right corners of the longer side of the sheet. Place the sheet down neatly on a flat surface. Fold in the far long side to the centre of the bedsheet, and then fold up the other long side over the first fold. Your fitted bedsheet should now resemble a pair of freshly pressed and ironed trousers.

Step Six: Flatten your sheet to remove any creases and fold in the far short end of the sheet over twice, once to the centre and then another on top. Fold over once more, so you end with a small square sheet, about the size of a folded t-shirt.

Step Seven: Flatten your sheet to remove any final creases, and then store appropriate in your drawer!

Sounds simple right?

Once you start following these simple steps, you’ll have a super folded fitted bedsheet every time. Your challenge is to be able to do it as quickly as our friends at @OneRoomProject!

Tidy Room. Marie Kondo. 30 Day Declutter challenge.

The Marie Kondo-inspired 30 Day Room Declutter Challenge

Everyone used to hate the idea of tidying up their room, but Marie Kondo has managed to invert this trend. Using an ultimately inspiring, honest and freeing approach, she’s become world-renowned through her book ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing’ and the Netflix phenomenon that is ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’. Her focus on choosing joy for the better is at the heart of all her suggestions and already we’ve covered some of the basics that go into the Marie Kondo principle of tidying.

The KonMari method is now synonymous with organising your belongings and at Beyond Storage, we believe that this method can be applied to absolutely any scenario. For that reason, we’re encouraging everyone to give KonMari a chance by taking Marie Kondo’s principles for thirty days, to ultimately lead to a clutter-free home and better personal well-being. With all of the other stress and pressure we encounter on a daily basis, it’s important to not underestimate the comfort of a tidy, organised home, or bedroom.

How does KonMari work?

Put simply, KonMari relies on a simple principle. Tidying starts with being honest and discarding your clutter. Whether you are donating to charitable courses, getting rid of rubbish, or recycling your belongings, you need to be prepared to resist storing away these items that you don’t need to keep.

Start off by establishing what you need to keep and what you can definitely get rid of them, and create two piles. Once you have these defined boundaries, you can work on the other items which may be harder to categorise. Don’t be afraid to be brutal in some cases; items that you haven’t used in six months are prime candidates to go. If you can’t bear to get rid of some things, you can always consider using Beyond Storage to keep your additional items in perfect condition, until you are ready to find a real home for them, or make the decision to get rid of them.

Beyond Storage 30 Day Room Declutter Challenge. Marie Kondo. Declutter room.

The Beyond 30 Day Room Declutter Challenge

The Beyond 30 Day Challenge is split into six rooms. For each room, you have five days to sort through all your belongings in the room, declutter wherever possible, re-organise and re-categorise your ‘stuff’ and hopefully leave your room, and eventually your home in a tidier state.


  • Utensil Drawers
  • Cutlery Drawers
  • Kitchen Equipment and Crockery
  • Food Cupboards


  • The Bookshelves and DVD rack
  • Desks and Tables
  • Cupboards
  • TV, Technology and Laptop


  • Under the Bed
  • Bedside Cabinet
  • Clothing Drawers, and Wardrobe
  • Bedroom Floor, Windowsill and Shelves


  • Medicine Cupboard
  • Cleaning Product
  • Airing Cupboard
  • Toiletries and Makeup


  • Miscellaneous boxes
  • Cards
  • Seasonal decorations
  • Old technology and appliances

Although the list seems daunting, remember you have six days for every room. Meaning you can spend one day completing each single item on the list and still leave yourself two days to review your work in each case, meaning you don’t have to rush any decisions.

We’d love to see how you get on! Please post your results on Instagram with the hashtag: Beyond30DayDeClutter and we’ll share your superb work! Happy tidying!

Beyond's Summer Family Fun Day!

Are you ready to kick off the summer holidays in the best way yet! Engulf yourself in the beautiful landscapes of Herefordshire at Beyond Storage Ross on Wye with a day like no other at our Beyond Family Fun Day! Here at Beyond Storage, we are so much more than a storage company, we aim to help people go beyond their comfort zone as one of our number 1 priorities and practicing mindfulness and self-care is key.

On Friday 19th July (1pm-5pm) we have the perfect prep for the weekend activity for you and your family. Yes! Kids are welcomes to this fun-filled day with; games, arts and crafts and so much more for that perfect time for you to relax and give yourself some needed self-love and joy.

What's included?

  • Kids Yoga
  • BBQ
  • Face Painting
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Farmyard Corner
  • Giant Games and loads more to be revealed on the day

There will be a small cost for food/drink on the day, as well as a small donation box to support our charity efforts with St Michael's Hospice. Your voluntary donations will be greatly appreciated.

This event is suitable for all whether young or old, you can come by yourself or with family and friends. We want to give you an experience that truly goes above and Beyond! There will be friendly and experienced staff that will ensure you are happy and comfortable on the day.

Please come dressed in suitable dance/fitness wear and join in the kids yoga fun. Or simply come dressed ready to have a good time with family and friends.

Book your space today and allows us to help you go beyond your comfort zone. Get your tickets here!

April Clutter Clearout

It's that time again! We are already 4 months into the year and you are probably dealing with those frustrating clutter antics. The problem may not even be having too many things it could simply be difficult to be more organised. That's where we step in to lend you a helping hand with our easy remedies for a more organised home. Above all, you won't need to worry about giving/throwing away those precious belongings of all.

Clear unnecessary items

Now, when we say clear unnecessary items, we mean clear anything you genuinely; have not used, will not use and don't plan anytime soon to be using. Why keep your home cluttered with items that you know will have no use or place in the rest of your home. Simply get rid of it, maybe you could gift it to a relative or friend. Donate to a local charity, sell online or at a car boot sale. If it is broken and not fixable then throw it away!


Colour coordination can bring a level of satisfaction to the eye. Whether you have OCD or not, coordination of some sort is always appealing. Think of when you see someone wearing an outfit that simply flows and the colours are all in sync. Doesn't it look appealing? This same method of coordination can be applied in the home too. Try organising your clothes in your wardrobe by colour, or your utensils in the kitchen drawer by size.

Use Labels

Labeling is an effective way to keep your belongings organised. When you label something, chances are you would not only remember to put the item back in the correct spot but you would also be able to find that item again more easily. Get creative with your labels, but keep them specific so you know exactly where each item goes. On another note, labeling is perfect if you have kids too! They could help with labeling which boxes their toys go into.

Maximise Space

Finally, you have got everything in order. Now you can maximise that space by keeping it organised and having furniture that doesn't encroach on your space. Additionally, putting up mirrors and painting your walls in a brighter colour can generally make a smaller space feel bigger. The reflection of the light on these surfaces can enhance the room you are in and make the space you have more maximised.

Art Gallery

A View of the Art Gallery

Take a peek into our art gallery! We are back with our #HomeIsWhereTheArtIs competition, surrounded by some incredible forms of art that are naturally around can help unleash a spark of creativity. Have you had the opportunity to submit your artwork? Well, there is no need to fear as our competition is still underway until the summer! You have more than enough time to submit your art. Whether it is your final masterpiece, your new creation using paints, crayons, chalk or pencils or even if your more adventurous and have upcycled some old material. We want to see it!

Take a look at some of the submissions we have received so far and the far-stretching talent that encompasses all in the Beyond Storage community!

Adriana Potkanska

This relief on canvas by our entrant Adriana Potkanska depicts a surreal tree with hands raising up amongst branches. A relief painting is carved, creating a “raised” two-dimensional surface on a canvas, which is then painted. This unique way of depicting art can show true thought and emotive language behind the work of the artist. Using sculpting as a way of portraying a 3D effect as the art protrudes off the canvas can give a whole new experience to this work.

Llyan McClelland

A truly mesmerising canvas oil painting titled 'Coral Bay'. The artist Llyan McClelland uses shades of pink and blue to create a dreamy landscape. Blue has been used to create a more natural and calming effect on the beholder. The gentle tones of pink add a level of vibrancy. The water mixed blend that engulfs the entire painting can simply exuberate elegance, sophistication and creates an aura of another unique world. With this art, you can truly take your mind off reality and just focus on the art of imagination.

Becky Lord

The upcycling method that has become a big fad for many has helped to unleash some incredible and innovative artists. This upcycled box that Beck found makes for the perfect gift for her son. She tells us: “I found an old box at my local skip and upcycled it into toy & book storage for my little boy, I sanded & painted it, measured and attached the cushioning padding & fabric and finished off with a personalised name sticker! My son loves it!” Upcycling truly has its pros, turning something old, used or broken into a brand new work of art.

You too can have a part in our competition, so be sure to get involved and simply submit your art to us by completing the form here.

Balance for Better this International Women’s Day

Happy International Women's Day! This year's theme #BalanceForBetter focuses on creating a gender balanced world. Collective action and shared responsibility for driving a gender-balanced world is key. International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender balance.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is so important for your body and mind. Not only does getting enough sleep help you physically feel better, rejuvenated and have more energy for the day but it also improves your overall mood and mindset. Instead of draining your body by staying up late to watch one more episode of that new Netflix series. Give yourself some TLC and get more sleep. Try an earlier night and develop more balance for the better!

Have a Clutter Detox

Clutter, clutter, and more clutter! Doesn't it feel like a mission at times to have a good clearout? We are all guilty of it sometimes, we may see something in the shop that we simply must get but where on earth is it going to go?! Have a clutter detox and sort through all your belongings into piles of; keep, recycle, donate and throw. A clutter detox will surely help you have a better balance, freeing up space in your home and mind.

Escape to the Country

Countryside retreat anyone? Escape to the country and experience something better with a couple of wellbeing days away from the busy hustle and bustle of life. Herefordshire, Carmarthenshire, Leicestershire and Stratford-Upon-Avon are but a few of the beautiful places you can escape to. Be sure to pop into us at Beyond Storage and have a cuppa too!

Balance for Better

Join the #IWD Movement

One final way to have a better balance is to join in with the International Women's Day movement. Put your hands out and strike the #BalanceforBetter pose and make International Women's Day YOUR day - and do what you can to truly make a positive difference.

Beyond Tidying

Beyond Tidying with Marie Kondo

What's all the hype about? Have you seen the Netflix show 'Tidying up with Marie Kondo? In a series of inspiring home makeovers, the world-renowned beyond tidying expert Marie Kondo helps her clients clear out the clutter and choose joy for the better. There is a different kind of satisfaction that comes from having a good clearout and tidy. It helps you feel more alive, peaceful and have an overall sense of wellbeing.

Kondo has hitched tidying to the ultimate levels of wellbeing. She is prone to saying things like: “Putting your house in order is the magic that creates a vibrant and happy life.” She also says, “To go throughout life without knowing how to fold is a huge loss.” We are sure all of us would like to have a vibrant and happy life. We would all like to know how to fold. Making order from disorder can feel like a balm for these turbulent times.

Go Beyond Tidying the KonMari Way

Marie Kondo has built a decluttering empire over time. She started out first as a tidying consultant and then as an author of two bestselling books about her KonMari decluttering process. Her KonMari method is aimed at helping you organise your belongings and change the way you regard yourself, your possessions, and the people you care about.

Beyond Tidying

Ape Index: Ninja Warriors Welcome

Could you be the next Ninja Warrior? Does the adrenaline pumping, rock climbing, wall scraping and darting around tempt your fancy or that of your children? Well, look no further as we team up with Ape Index in Leicester to give you an experience like no other. With rooms full of blocks, climbing walls, ropes and monkey bars you can unleash your inner energy in a world of pure fun.

What is Ape Index?

Ape Index, provide you with the opportunity to go beyond your comfort zone in a safe, indoor environment. Better yet, this exciting adrenaline pumping activity is suitable for the whole family. From toddlers to adults beginners to ninja masters there is something for everyone. You can have a full body workout, strengthening those muscles and above all having fun. Learn how to balance, swing, jump and more. Develop power, not just by lifting but by jumping, pulling and grabbing too. Finally, you can work on your strength endurance through a series of obstacle courses.

At Ape Index, there is no time limit to the amount for fun you can have in this epic body training environment. The main idea is that you have fun and work on yourself pushing above and beyond your usual comfort zone.

WIN an experience at Ape Index:

Moreover, to kick off your ninja adventure we have teamed up with Ape Index to give you the opportunity to win an experience for you and 3 other people. For more details on this giveaway follow us on our Facebook page and enter for your chance to win this incredible opportunity.

But the fun doesn’t have to end there, with Ape Index it is a pay to play so you can go there whenever you like. In addition to this, Ape Index offer a wide range of classes if you really want to improve your skills and unleash that inner ninja. Be sure to get in contact with them or check out their classes on their website to be part of all the fun!

head massage

4 Important Health Benefits of Spas

We all need some rest and relaxation from time to time, and what better way to do this than visiting a spa? With the busy schedules most people have these days, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Modern day life can take a toll on a lot of people, and we often forget how much of an impact a high pressure life can have on our mental and physical well being. According to research carried out in 2018, 85% of UK adults are experiencing stress on a regular basis, and 54% of people who are stressed worry about the impact this is having on their health. Evidently, it is more important than ever to make sure we remember to take a break from the stresses of day to day life when we need to.

An effective way you can take a well needed short break is to visit a local spa. Over the years, more and more people have opened up to the idea of using a spa break as a way of pausing their exhausting daily routine and recharge themselves. There are so many mental and physical health benefits of massage and spa treatments.

Allowing yourself the opportunity to relax is important to keeping stress and anxiety levels under control. Here are some key benefits to visiting your local spa sometime soon:

Good For Your Mental Health - It’s no secret that a spa day can reduce stress levels, but a lot of spas these days have meditation rooms. A quiet, relaxing room to give you the opportunity to meditate your worries away and to reflect on life. With the use of powerful essential oils, aromatherapy massages can also have a positive effect on your mindset and mental wellbeing.

head massage


Detox Your Body- The steam in the sauna/steam rooms helps you to sweat out toxins and a massage helps your lymphatic system to flush toxins from your body. Facials and skin treatments also draw out impurities and toxins from your skin and can contribute towards a healthy, glowing complexion.

Russian sauna broom / sauna accessories, broom for sauna, Russia


Better, Deeper Sleep The more you can relax during the day, the better you’ll sleep at night. Massages and other spa treatments can push you into the ultimate state of relaxation and help you fall asleep faster at night and also ensure you get better quality of sleep.

stretch after sleep


Muscle and Joint Pain Relief - A good massage can take away aches and pains and help with joint pain conditions like arthritis. Modern sports massage techniques not only relax and recover your muscles, but also help you recover from joint injuries and disorders such as arthritis. 

Sports massage. Therapist massaging shoulders


Relaxing once in a while can truly be the best thing for your mind, body and spirit.


Love yourself

Fall in love with yourself on Valentine’s Day

Valentines day sometimes comes with the pressure and expectation of what the day should look like, whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not. You may have an idea in mind of how you think Valentine’s Day should be spent, but it’s important to remember that 14th Feb is a day to celebrate all forms of love, including self-love!

This Valentine’s Day, try focusing your energy into the relationship you have with yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy your own company and treat yourself to all the things you deserve. Have a look at some of our suggestions below and find what works for you.

Fall in love with yourself - Beyond Storage


Pamper Yourself

Taking care of your body is an important step in your self-care routine. Your body really is your temple, and it is essential to pay attention to it routinely. This can mean finding the time to go on a solo spa day and enjoy a massage. You can also indulge in body treatments at home, such as a luxurious body scrub, followed by a long soothing bath with only your favourite book and a glass of wine to keep you company.

Feed Your Soul

Spending time by yourself, your thoughts and the quiet allows you to establish a deeper connection with yourself. This is important for self-healing and self-love. Building a solid mind body connection through meditation has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. Some forms of meditation can also improve your self-image and give you a more positive outlook on life.

Declutter Your Space

Living and in a cluttered environment can have such a negative impact to your wellbeing. It can be extremely demotivating and can put you on edge. In the same way, a clean and tidy space can feel freeing to be in and it also gives you the opportunity to properly relax. Decluttering your space can be a form of self-love, as you are looking after your environment and your possessions, which can put you in a good mindset.

Treat Yourself

Take time out for yourself. Do something you really enjoy and spend some time in your own company, that could mean taking yourself out for a nice dinner, going on a solo spa day, or simply staying home to watch your favourite film with a takeaway. This is the time to put your phone on silent, not feel guilty, and to concentrate on what makes you happy.

Be Grateful

Often, our internal dialogue is negative. We linger on missed opportunities or mistakes we have made in the day. But what if we look at all of the positive things in our life? Finding things to be grateful for on a daily basis can help change your inner dialogue. If you lean towards negative internal conversation, gratitude is a wonderful way to change that.

The power and value in nurturing the relationship you have with yourself is immense. Self-love generates confidence, success and happiness within yourself. It is also the key to improving every aspect of your life, including your relationship with others.